Posted by: littledebbiesworld | May 4, 2008

Creative Juices Not Flowing

I’ve been put in a frame of mind I cannot describe or get out of since reading Seth Godin’s Squidoo blog post. It hinted at a few things that I had suspicions of, as to the focus and agenda of Squidoo.

When I get in this type of mode, I search and search, reading articles, news, everything I can get my eyeballs on; until the subject has either been put to rest in my mind, or it spurs me onto creating a lens on the topic.

I’m afraid that our economy is going to get much worse. Some of us have already commented on the decline of commissions thru our Squidoo lenses. I think that if more would offer their stats, we may find that there is no one topic that is feeling the economic crunch. People are starting to think a bit before purchasing needless or frivolous items. They’re cutting back their purchases, saving that money for the rising costs of food, mortgage, and gas.

I have a lens that touches the subject, The Quality of Life; maybe that is why I’m spinning round and round, looking, and researching, because I know that the lens really doesn’t address the many times urgent needs of those that are being uprooted from our economy.

The lens itself is ok, I guess, but I want to reach people on a deeper level. I really want to be able to point a visitor to something that is more tangible than offering books that they could purchase. I’ve always heard the saying ‘you’ve got to spend money to make money’; but where’s the saying for people that need money and have none? I just don’t think it’s right of me to be trying to hawk books to people that really shouldn’t be spending their money.

I am so fortunate to have found Squidoo, as I have been able to earn a few hundred bucks a month, but before that time, I did not have an extra $20 dollar bill at the end of the month, so I know exactly how hard it is to live that way, and I don’t want to become one of those types of people that make internet ‘come-ons’, like ‘just spend _$_ amount of money, and this __ will take care of all your problems. That was always an insult to my intelligence, so I certainly don’t want to turn around and become like that.

I have another lens on the backburner of my Squidoo dashboard, and I suppose that’s another reason I’m in this mood. I’ve got to put about 7 days of work into it before I release the url to everyone. I realize that no matter how bad the economy gets, there will still be certain levels of society that will not be touched. Being on the low income end of society anyway, I’m used to being frugal, but many of us will be destroyed financially.

The new lens will be for those that haven’t had to drastically change their lifestyle because of the economy; and speaking purely with an ‘on-line’ view of life, those that are continously hunting for more income. I feel like I’m being sacreligious or something with this lens, but I guess I just have to remember that not everyone will be as deeply affected with our dropping economy as I will be.

Must be my time to take a serious look at my motivations and my morals; and how I want them to be portrayed online. I like to think of it as being pro-active and not hiding my head in the sand, oblivious to the world around me. I’m afraid the world may come to cutting out many of the products all of us push online, simply because ‘living’ expenses have to take priority, and I certainly don’t want to be spending my time promoting, pushing, what-ever you want to call it – products that seem utterly out of reach and ridiculous to most of society.

I am very proud of the natural medicine products that I’ve made websites on, and will continue to feature them. No matter how bad our economy gets, I will always believe that we can attain better health without ‘big pharma’s’ strong arm tactics with synthetic drugs’ harmful and dangerous side effects.

Gods Love and mine,


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